Friday, January 2, 2009

FB Debt & Budgeting

This is kind of my catch-all on how you can save money in little ways without compromising your lifestyle.

I am not really a big fan of over saving, or being too overly frugal. I think that you should take life easy and stop being so hard on yourself sometimes.

That doesn't mean I think you should spend all your savings on a new car just because you want it, but it means that you should not feel guilty for wanting a new car instead of a used one.

Different strokes for different folks.

For me, I save a lot by realizing that my true love is technology, and I can get away with minimal hair products, minimal makeup, and I've really pared down my closets to fit into 3 suitcases and 2 carry-ons.

This may not be the lifestyle for you, but I find that I feel freer (now) with less items to carry around or look at.

I don't believe in punishing yourself for having debt. You got into it, you want to get out, and that's that.

What you need to do, is learn how to manage your money now, and being yelled at for past mistakes is never productive.

Where I do get angry is when people don't learn from their past mistakes or time and time again, make bad financial decisions.

With that being said, it is NOT easy but it CAN be done.

There is no magic pill or so-called easy way to get out of debt. What you need right now is to get out of denial that you have debt, make a plan, and start budgeting and tracking your expenses.

General Commentary on Budgeting, Saving & Debt

Taking Control of your Finances & Budget

Debt & Budgeting

Cutting Back

Shopping & Travelling

Reader Questions

Mistakes people make & Getting Started

Grocery Shopping Savings